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What We Do

Our clients — entrepreneurs, financiers, senior executives, and boards of directors  — sometimes find themselves struggling with roadblocks to drive growth or resolve operating problems, resource constraints, or time deadlines.  And, typically, their organizations may lack the internal know-how, relationships, or resources to address opportunities or have been unsuccessful to complete, facilitate, or turnaround challenges on their own.  

Ultimately, they find themselves frustrated with fast-approaching deadlines or slow or little movement to meet their strategic objective; or continuing declines in growth and profitability and are overwhelmed with financial, staffing, and emotional quagmires.  These roadblocks are fraught with strategic and operational directions or execution, investment and acquisition assessments, cash flow shortfalls and budget deficits, capital structuring, conflicting priorities or lack of consensus, or stakeholders not fully appreciating their story.  Anyone of these alone may weigh-down the decision-making process or limit the extent of options available for them to pursue.  

At Tocqueville Ventures, we bring our experience and acumen in corporate development and operational management — with integrated functional skill sets in investments and analysis, strategy and planning, finance, capital and business transactions, and operations — to assess and execute on a wide variety of organizational objectives


   1. Strategy and Business Development

  • Develop and publish actionable strategic and business plans — through research, planning, assessments, drafting, modeling, and proof of concept — that actually guide the business rather than gather dust

  • Assess new markets and approaches for and beyond the core for new or existing products and services

  • Identify, source and execute external means for growth through acquisitions, strategic partnerships, and intellectual properties


2. Financial Resources

  • Structure and access capital for investment projects, operational growth, and working capital with the focus on types, sources and costs of capital, cash flow, and terms

  • Develop messages and communications that resonate with investors and stakeholders


3. Operations and Management

  • Investigate and uncover root operating and financial problems and then provide options for solutions and execute agreed-upon steps

  • Consider organizational and team structure and skills to drive peak performance

  • Determine quantifiable measures and metrics for reporting on and managing the business

  • Serve as interim management to stabilize/redirect efforts and drive performance


As independent advisors or through employee relationships, our organizational business tenure has been gained successfully in:


  • Small and mid-size entrepreneurial organizations to Fortune 500 and non-profit social services organizations 

  • Start-ups, turnarounds, crisis management, mature, roll-ups, and rapid growth environments   

  • Financings through angels, venture capital, private equity, bank debt, governmental incentives, and public debt and equity markets (including an NYSE IPO), along with private foundation and individual support


Our interaction with client engagements have:


  • Included Fortune 100, private equity, start-up companies, investor relations firms, and social services organizations

  • Originated from our professional and civic relationships, repeat clients, former colleagues, and other professional referrals (e.g., law firms, CPA firms, universities)

  • Required successful working relationships with management teams, employees at all levels, vendors, distributors and customers, and the clients’ other service providers (e.g., accountants, lawyers, bankers) 

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