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Select Suggestions

Institutional Resources:


Gartner (CEB - Corporate Executive Board)®

Enables superior business outcomes by delivering authoritative data and tools, best practice research, and peer insight to the leaders of the world's great enterprises.


CFA Institute  

The Global Association of Investment Professionals



Publication Resources:


Profit from the Core by Chris Zook with James Allen

The authors believe that most growth strategies fail to deliver value—or even destroy it—primarily because they wrongly diversify from the core business. The authors contend that this timeless strategic precept—building market power in a well-defined core—remains the key source of competitive advantage and the most viable platform for successful expansion. 


The Innovator's Solution by Clayton Christensen and Michael E. Raynor

Authors demystify this process and outline the key tests for creating and sustaining a successful growth of true market disrupting products and services.  


Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Principles and Practice by Peter F. Drucker

Addresses the title as a practice and as a discipline, along with the actions and behaviors of entrepreneurs.  "Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service." 


Taking Charge: A Management Guide to Turnarounds and Troubled Companies by John O. Whitney

A management survival guide for and about troubled companies and the challenges of turnarounds.

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