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How We Do It

Each engagement presents unique considerations.  For instance:  the industry, vision, objectives, situation, need, solution, resources, management styles, competition, business models, challenges and opportunities.  While highly flexible to adjust accordingly, we also strive to employ and deliver a systematic approach learned and also developed, gained and tested during our professional tenure.


Whether in development of business plans, execution of corporate development activities, and/or leadership and management of operations, our approach with you encompasses:


  • Prior to submitting a formal proposal of work scope, we have initial discussions with clients that focus on identifying the specific needs and how we would propose addressing the issues, the solutions, and the measures of success.  We would then review, confirm, and validate the approach with clients.  We then estimate the resources and time frame required to meet the objectives. 


  • Our engagements typically require us to work successfully with management teams, employees at all levels, vendors, distributors and customers, investors, and with the companies’ other professional service providers (e.g., accountants, lawyers, bankers)


  • Through our network of professional relationships, we engage and/or recommend, as applicable, other professionals and experts with whom we have previously worked or know by mutual reputation to meet the objectives of the engagement.


  • We help find and structure the required capital for funding businesses with favorable cash flow, returns on capital, and terms.  We maintain relationships with angels, private equity and venture capital firms, and banks and other sources of capital (including governmental incentives and small business programs) to help identify and match capital to client goals.



Our Approach to Business Plan Development

Sample Summary Points


1. Preliminary Assessment and Scope

  • Understand and determine needs and scope of engagement


2. Strategic Discovery

  • Establish vision, value proposition and objectives

  • Research and assess marketplace trends, customer dynamics, business economics

  • Outline SWOT and gaps against benchmarks


3. Strategic Setting

  • Decide and set strategies

  • Establish strategic intents with actionable and measurable plans

  • Conduct investment analysis and develop financial models and projections

  • Determine capital requirements, structure and ROI


4. Organization and Metrics

  • Determine systems and processes

  • Set Metrics and Measures

  • Establish organization


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