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Alexis de Tocqueville, the French political thinker, traveled the young but expanding America in the early 1830s during which he discovered and witnessed the best that it had to offer its citizens.  With a trusted companion, he navigated by riverboat, horse, carriage, and foot and persevered often under difficult conditions, to expound on how people united in associations — including in entrepreneurial activities to drive innovation and their commercial goals.  

Today, using modern tools and thought leadership, Tocqueville Ventures, a boutique investment and advisory firm founded in 2001, teams hand-in-hand with entrepreneurs, financiers, senior executives, and boards of directors to invest in, develop, and execute on strategies for success in their respective markets and for shareholders. We play leadership or key supporting roles — considering and integrating multiple business functions — to drive these organizations to the next level of performance as evidenced by strategic and operational measures. 

“Boldness of enterprise is the foremost cause of [America’s] rapid progress, its strength, and its greatness.”  

Democracy in America, Chapter XVIII



Our clients — entrepreneurs, financiers, senior executives, and boards of directors  — sometimes find themselves struggling with roadblocks to drive growth or resolve operating problems, resource constraints, or time deadlines. We partner to help them break through...  



We have engaged from Factory Floors to Main Street to Wall Street in our experience. Our work reaches from Fortune 100 to small cap, private equity firms, start-ups, and non-profits. With leadership and support across industries and functional areas, we bring clients core and new insights along with lessons learned...



Our work with clients and our expert commentary have been featured and quoted in local business press...

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